Assessment Tools
Used correctly, these can be some of the most powerful tools to drive business and give you a competitive edge!
These comprehensive assessment and analytic tools provide valuable insights into individual behaviors and underlying motivators to help you:
Achieve your stated business goals through improved inter-personal communication
Manage business relationships in a more positive fashion
Enhance your staff's business performance and also increase profits
Boost sales force productivity and performance
Help you make better hiring decisions
Make these powerful tools part
of your Business Strategy Today!
**Not the full list of assessments available
Combines DISC and Driving Forces examining the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the driving forces that drive them. A variety of versions are available in addition to comparison & GAP reports for use in hiring.
Commonly used to: Engage employees, coach leaders, build better communication and to select team members.
The Workplace Environment is a process which compares a candidate to the job. Utilizing DISC, for both the candidate and the job, insights into fit for a particular position are highlighted.
Commonly used to: aid in the selection process.
An objective analysis of an individual’s understanding of the strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment.
Commonly used to: Establish knowledge benchmarks, provide insights into understanding of the sales process. Used in sales training, team and leadership coaching, and as a guide for developing appropriate sales training.
The EQ assessment accurately measures a person’s emotional intelligence, the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of overall emotional well-being to facilitate highly effective decision-making.
Commonly used to: Develop leaders, engage teams, coach and in succession planning.