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Providing Business Owners and Executives with Strategic Vision

Helping Business Leaders Follow a Proven Process to Build a More Valuable Business

anchor point: a point on an archer's face (such as the chin) against which the drawing hand is placed in order to stabilize the archer's aim before release of the arrow.


1 a point by which something is held securely or fastened. 2 figurative A fact, idea, element, etc., which provides stability, security, or confidence; a reference point.

Home: Welcome

What did you want when you started in business?

Chances are, if you are like most people, it would have included some of the following concepts…


- Earning More Money

- Creating More Lasting Wealth

- Being The One In Control

- Doing More Of What You Love

- Surrounding Yourself With An Incredible Team

- Working Fewer Hours

- Having More Time For Vacations


If you also happen to be like most people, chances are your current reality doesn’t quite reflect the visions you once had.  


But it doesn’t have to be this way.  


I work with growth minded business leaders to make their vision become reality.


You can work fewer hours, earn more money, have a great team, and create substantial amounts of net wealth. 


Click below to gain clarity on your current situation and explore the full potential of your Time, Team, Money, and Future.

Home: Headliner


My Story

I understand small business simply because I come from small business.  Over my 38+ year career, I have either been a small business owner or employee. I understand what it means to have 50+ employees and families counting on you, making payroll, adding benefits, adding to the team, and, unfortunately letting others go.  I get the pressure to find ways to do it better every day to maintain growth.  And I also understand what it is like to be working as an employee in a company with an antagonistic culture.


I have been a sales professional, business owner, consultant, and executive recruiter, sales & marketing leader, and more... however, at my core, I am someone that simply loves helping people succeed.  In all of my "roles" the end result was the same: helping clients get from where they were to where they needed to be.  


Lessons learned from the art of sales - such as discernment, negotiation, persuasion, asking good questions, and "active" LISTENING - have always served me well. 


I consider sales skills to be life skills.  After all, we are all involved in the process of sales one way or another - either selling or being sold.  So, we might as well learn as much as we can about how to effectively communicate in those exchanges.


I am blessed to consider Zig Ziglar a mentor.  His philosophy "You can get everything you want in life if you simply help enough other people get what they want" has served me well.


At this point in my career, I truly believe in the ripple on the pond effect and that is why my focus is primarily on small businesses.  If I can effect an owner, or a leadership team, or a segment of the business such as the sales team, then hopefully the change is felt by their circle of family, clients, co-workers, vendors, friends... and it ripples throughout their community.  And I believe, that ripple is the best opportunity for me to help others change the world.


If you would like to explore the possibility of working together, let's jump on a quick call - with NO PRESSURE - and see if we are a fit for each other.

Home: About

Here's How I Can Help

In today's rapidly changing business world, it takes a diverse set of skills to be successful. The partnership created between me and a business leader is designed to create a collaborative process that inspires the leader to maximize their personal and professional potential.



Home: Services

Business & Executive Coaching

Emphasis on the overall operation of your organization and how effectively it's working and/or

focusing on the individual leader, providing proven business concepts, strategies & tactics to accelerate and maximize their personal and professional success.



Focused on specific topics and provides you and your team with direct answers.


Time/Priority Management

Sales Skills

Customer Service




Trade Show Marketing

From concept and strategy to the day the show opens, my team can design, produce, and manage the complete logistics for any size exhibit including installation, dismantle, and asset management, creating high-impact experiences that get you noticed.



Keynote motivational speaking
Master of ceremonies
Toastmaster facilitation 
Workshops & Seminars
Lunch and learn presentations
Individually Tailored for:
  • Sales Teams

  • Chamber Meetings

  • Association Luncheons

  • Annual Company Meetings

  • Executive Retreats

  • Conventions

  • Award Banquets

  • Client Appreciation Events

Home: Testimonials

What People Say...

"His record of exceeding the expectations of his customers and delivering high-level results is why Shawn holds so much value to his clients."

Mike Romano, KCP Brands

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